Monday, July 27, 2015


Browsing Newsweek (still don't know what to make of it ... I thought they went all digital, but it sais there's a print edition), something about the continuing collapse of prices on the Chinese exchange ... lists CSI300 and SSEC indices, and I want to look them up, but I need to close something, such as this APT chart. As I suspected, this pull-back in China is certainly nothing to worry about. It's not that some huge rally is about to ensue ... more like years of work under 6000, but, still, near term, I'm inclined to like it. Read an interesting report somewhere to the effect that the stock market doesn't play as active a role in China as it does elsewhere, and it has appreciated at quite a leisurely pace even as the economy has rapidly expanded, although there has been a policy driven rally in stocks recently.