Friday, July 31, 2015


How to get myself to do things.

I can do it, even though the glacial pace at which it happens makes it look, in a way, like I can't. I'll think about a thing every day for days, weeks, often enough months and years, and then a moment will come that is somehow the right moment, and I'll do it. Sometimes what I'm thinking over is what to in fact do, other times how to do it, and also, often enough, when to do it.

The trees in my front yard arguably need attention. They're overgrown and tangled, particularly the two big mulberries - and the one little one. Mostly I've resigned myself, of late, but one branch of one of the mulberries is reaching out into the street, and is basically a problem. (It's also dangling a branch into the driveway that brushes the cars when we pull in or out.)

Maybe some day I'll get some help, or figure something out myself, and trim some of the tangle limbs - they're limbs, not branches, massive trunks - but that's not so urgent. That one dangling, reaching branch is a little too high for me to reach it with the short ladder. I have a longer ladder at the other house. I have to get myself over there and retrieve it. I've failed to do it for a couple of months, now.