Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Tut tut, they say, you never work a day. Undesirables. Well and you are not a lot of fun. I was just minding my own business and suddenly there you were looking down your nose at me. But it's true, if you see someone enjoying a simple pleasure, who ought to be slaving (no suit, sneakers), it makes you nervous. Production might stall. Besides, your bulldog is a very smooth liar. That reminds me, will I ever find my PaQua instructions?

For one thing, brothers and sisters, our enemies are tribalistic. Let us join them. Gather y'all together, now, and let's be productive ourselves. Mind you, I don't like going out, myself. Well, I'm leaving off with number 430. I simply don't have enough canyon bottoms to say anything conclusively, or even provisionally.