Friday, July 31, 2015
I've been closing up the house every morning, running the AC and hunkering down with the PC all day, but today, I left the windows open and worked most of the day on the gazebo. A break in the heat, I guess. I mean, it was hot, though, actually, in the afternoon, it was only 95 in the house. Late afternoon, out of nowhere, there was peal after peal of thunder, and then a hearty downpour. Our Peapod is hiding somewhere, which is quite strange - where could she be? And after the rain a big branch of the bamboo split in the middle, with a very dramatic crack. I'll have to get out there with the pole saw and trim it off, but it's a good thing, because now I can do that, and it'll let a little more light into this cave. My garden really is a cave, a deep wood ... a hell of a bush, as someone described it.