Anyway, I go out for the paper every morning and study that branch while I'm out there. It's almost like my hobby. Maybe I've made a decision, now, where I want to cut it. This was probably yesterday, that I got the idea. It reaches out, a sturdy limb, and about half way out an arching branch grows up towards the sky. A little past that, there's the branch that dangles down and brushes the cars. I'll cut it - where it's still quite thick - just past that branch that soars upwards. I usually try not to blunt a limb that way, and rather to cut a branch where it branches off, but at least there's a vigorous branch where I'm cutting. It'll be fine, I think, and it'll take care of the growth out over the street and of the big dangler. It even leaves a smaller dangler over the lawn, which I like.
These danglers reach almost to the grass, and in the spring you can pick berries off of them, that is, you, passers by, and me, of course, too.
Truth be told I don't want to get that ladder. I mean, I do want to get it - it was set up in the house, as a decoration, but it got evicted onto the porch, and I guess it needs to come home, now. What I don't want to do is extend it, because of the horrible clattering noise these ladders make. But, I guess there's nothing for it.