Friday, July 31, 2015


There's a long ladder in one of my trees, already, but the mechanism is broken, and moving it is a real chore. I thought about doing it, but I just don't want to. And I'll either have to saw that limb with my hand saw - a proper pruning saw, and a sturdy one, but pretty much the minimum tool, for sure - or ... my chain saw got stolen. I'm somewhat reluctant to replace it. The limb is just within the limit of the saw, I think. I'll approach it with some care, cutting a wedge underneath, first, and then it should drop down pretty easily when I cut from above.

So, this could happen.

I went through a similar process that lasted two weeks, and finally cut my hair. I thought about trying to get it done somewhere, but eventually gave up on it. They just don't get my look. Finally, just last night, I suddenly went and did it. Not too bad.