The surface area of the earth it 500 trillion square meters.
I want to do a web site where anyone can view a contour model of any part of the surface of the earth.
Contour models are created by stacking layers of board cut to the shapes of contour lines. My web site would do this virtually.
It's hopeless.
I went to the national map - just trying to think what to do - zoomed in on New Hampshire - the place occupies my mind, to some extent - is to some extent a comfort to think of - zoomed in more, looking for a particular spot ... couldn't find it ...
... Because I'm working on my back, my head on a pillow made from rolled up bedding, the laptop propped on my chest and crossed leg, the touch pad gets jostled, so I have it turned off. To zoom, then, I try pinching on the touch screen, and discover something interesting, that that doesn't zoom the map, it zooms the page. To zoom the map you double click on a point, or click on the zoom tool, and then you get a different map, a different resolution, a different level of detail, but by pinching on the touch screen I get the same map, enlarge or reduced.
Now I have a very close in map that shows the town of Keene, with roads, and their names, and streams and brooks, and their names, and the streets of the town, and the houses. But where is Keene? I think the place I'm looking for is to the east. Route 10 heads north and east, and route 101 heads east. I could explore along them and see what I find.
All of a sudden the weather's almost surly. A big blow, low clouds, thunder, a few rain drops, the power out. No internet, can't find my atlas.